From the Cantabrian Sea, fresh news.
You can find them in the refrigerated counter of your supermarket’s fish department.
Did you know that anchovy connoisseurs prefer them stored in the refrigerator?
Cold, the best natural preservative, makes it possible to reduce the amount of salt needed to preserve anchovies while enhancing their authentic taste.
Did you know that there is a way to slow down the quality degradation of anchovies?
The refrigerated counter is the ideal place to store anchovies and keep their flavor for a long time.
Did you know that anchovies are a semi-conserve and do not undergo any heat treatment?
Unlike canned goods, which do not require special storage conditions, semi-canned goods such as anchovies are affected by the external environment and can degrade over time.

All of our trays of Chilled Anchovy Fillets are
made ofrecyclableplasticandcontain
at least 70% recycled plastic.
Fishing method
and sustainable.
Work by hand directly
at the fishing site.
Fish only in spring for better quality.
Superior quality for a connoisseur’s choice.
They are caught in northern Spain where the deep, cold waters, rich in oxygen and plankton,
make their flesh tender and flavorful. We only catch them using the circle technique, which is sustainable for the sea and the fish,
and process them by hand at the fishing site to preserve their intense flavor and high quality.
We finally let them mature for long periods in barrels, ready then to be enjoyed by true connoisseurs.

products from fisheries
certified by an independent body
according to the
MSC standard for well-managed and
sustainable fisheries.