Down goes the salt, up goes the taste!
Anchovy Fillets from the Cantabrian Sea with parsley sauce with 25% less salt than traditional Rizzoli Cantabrian anchovies in oil*.
Fished in northern Spain where cold, deep waters rich in oxygen and plankton make their meat tender and flavorful. Fished only in spring, when they are largest and fleshiest, and hand-processed at the fishing site to preserve its intense flavor and high quality.
“Le Rustiche al verde” Anchovy Fillets from the Cantabrian Sea with parsley sauce have less salt content, rich in Omega 3 and enriched with a fragrant organic parsley and garlic sauce , are ideal for those seeking the authentic taste of a great classic of Piedmontesetradition .
MSC certificates from sustainable fisheries that ensure that a rigorous standard is met in terms of environmental sustainability without compromising the balance of ecosystems.
Packaged in PET trays with 70 percent recycled plastic.
Anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), sunflower seed oil, salt, parsley, garlic.
*Drain the fillets you use for 2 minutes.
60 G