How to make : Pumpkin cake with chips, provoletta cheese and Anchovies of the Cantabrian Sea
For this delicious and scenic appetizer for your Holidays signed by Marisa Maffeo, here is how to prepare perfect pumpkin chips. Let’s cut 8 slices of pumpkin as thin as possible and without removing the skin. Let’s arrange them on baking paper and season them on both sides with salt, garlic and rosemary. Let us bake for 25/30 min at 160 degrees in a ventilated oven: you will get crispy and golden pumpkin chips.
Let’s move on to the cake: clean the squash, cut it into cubes, and cook it in a pan with a poached garlic, a drizzle of oil, salt, pepper and rosemary. We add water if necessary.
When soft, whisk the pumpkin over high heat until smooth, not runny, then add the pecorino cheese and grated smoked provolone.
We now soak the isinglass in cold water for 10 minutes, squeeze and then dissolve in the cream that has been heated in a small saucepan. We pour in the pumpkin cream. This step will allow us to be able to shape the cake.
We place the mixture in a ramekin or single-portion mold and refrigerate for it to solidify for 45 to 60 minutes.
We are ready for the plating, which should be elegant for the Holiday table! We take the cake, add some pumpkin chips and two fillets of Anchovies of the Cantabrian Sea Rizzoli. We finish with a few thyme leaves and a pinch of black olive powder. For the powder, we leave the olives in a ventilated oven for a long time and, once dried, we crumble them.